

A camera is seen on the head of a self-driving sweeper car with Baidu's Apollo autonomous driving open platform at the 2018 Baidu World conference and exhibit to showcase its latest AI technology in Beijing, China, November 1, 2018. REUTERS/Jason Lee - RC1B1D44A540
A camera is seen on the head of a self-driving sweeper car with Baidu's Apollo autonomous driving open platform at the 2018 Baidu World conference and exhibit to showcase its latest AI technology in Beijing, China, November 1, 2018. REUTERS/Jason Lee - RC1B1D44A540

早些時候 Volvo、Polestar 背後的吉利控股集團(而非吉利汽車)正式宣佈,將與百度成為戰略合作夥伴,一起組建新的智慧電動汽車公司。據悉此次合作將會基於吉利的「SEA 浩瀚智慧進化體驗電動車架構」展開,未來吉利將提供架構技術和生產方面的支持,而百度則將負責軟體及後續的分享、品牌建設等工作。

實際上,這並非百度和吉利的首次合作,雙方此前已經一起在智慧駕駛、智慧家居、電子商務等領域有過一些嘗試,吉利旗下的 Volvo 也參與了百度在中國的自駕車測試。按照吉利的暢想,雙方基於 SEA 架構的開發成果將有利於「構建無限互動延展的未來出行服務體系」,從而「為用戶提供持續最佳化的個人化服務與不斷成長的行動出行生活」。