Apple 開始在印度生產 iPhone 13

這是他們在印度製造的第四款 iPhone。

People are seen in front of an iPhone 13 advertisement , outside a store in Kolkata , India , on 29 October 2021 . Apple CEO has announced that the company has gained 29% in sales in last quarter , owing to festive season in India . (Photo by Debarchan Chatterjee/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
People are seen in front of an iPhone 13 advertisement , outside a store in Kolkata , India , on 29 October 2021 . Apple CEO has announced that the company has gained 29% in sales in last quarter , owing to festive season in India . (Photo by Debarchan Chatterjee/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

路透社報導,Apple 日前已正式開始在印度生產 iPhone 13。這是自 2017 年的初代 iPhone SE 後,他們在該國生產的第四款 iPhone。官方未透露具體是由哪家工廠來進行製造,但按照消息來源的說法,估計是會交由 Tamil Nadu 的廠區來負責。考慮到一直以來印度政府都在千方百計向外來企業施壓(比如提高進口稅),以爭取讓當地勞動力充實產線,Apple 現在把更多生產任務交給當地也是意料之中的事囉。