最新版 iPadOS 16 beta 把 Stage Manager 帶到舊款 iPad Pro 上

不再是 M1 晶片獨享,但就未能在外置螢幕使用 Stage Manager。

Apple iPadOS 16 stage manager
Apple iPadOS 16 stage manager

今年初發表的 iPadOS 16 把仿電腦系的視窗式 app 管理介面 Stage Manager 幕前管理,是 Apple 把 iPad 變得更像筆電的其中一個重要工具。在過去的 beta 中都只有搭載 M1 晶片的新款 iPad 機型使用,那是否老的高階 iPad Pro 就被排除了呢?終於在最新版的 iPadOS 16 developer beta 中,新增了 2020 年、2018 年,搭載了 A12Z、A12X 晶片的 iPad Pro 機款都可以使用 Stage Manager。然而 Apple 才不會那麼好心,這些老機款只能夠在機內啟動 Stage Manager,未能像 M1 款般在外置螢幕上使用這功能。

然而能夠在外置螢幕上使用 Stage Manager 的體驗似乎並不如預期,很多開發者在試用的時候都投訴會導致系統不穩定,終於 Apple 也決定了暫時把這個功能從 iPadOS 16 developer beta 中抽走,今年年底才再重新加入。

以下附上 Apple 給我們主站的回應原文:

We introduced Stage Manager as a whole new way to multitask with overlapping, resizable windows on both the iPad display and a separate external display, with the ability to run up to eight live apps on screen at once. Delivering this multi-display support is only possible with the full power of M1-based iPads. Customers with iPad Pro 3rd and 4th generation have expressed strong interest in being able to experience Stage Manager on their iPads. In response, our teams have worked hard to find a way to deliver a single-screen version for these systems, with support for up to four live apps on the iPad screen at once.

External display support for Stage Manager on M1 iPads will be available in a software update later this year.