首現於中國的 AirDrop 時限會在 iOS 16.2 裡被推廣到全球

裝置預設不會接受 AirDrop 檔案,每次向「所有人」開放傳輸的時間上限也變成了十分鐘。

SHANGHAI, CHINA - DECEMBER 1, 2022 - Pedestrians walk past the Apple official retail store on Nanjing Road Pedestrian street in Shanghai, China, December 1, 2022. Apple's monthly market share in China reached 25%, the highest in the company's history. (Photo credit should read CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images)
SHANGHAI, CHINA - DECEMBER 1, 2022 - Pedestrians walk past the Apple official retail store on Nanjing Road Pedestrian street in Shanghai, China, December 1, 2022. Apple's monthly market share in China reached 25%, the highest in the company's history. (Photo credit should read CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images)

一個月前在中國大陸版 iOS 16.1.1 中出現的 AirDrop 時限,果然如約會在即將到來的 iOS 16.2 中被推廣到全球。在更新之後,AirDrop 每次向「所有人」開放傳輸的時間上限變成了十分鐘。而且在預設狀態下,裝置也不會接受任何透過 AirDrop 發來的檔案。從好的方面看,這一變動的確能如 Apple 所說的那樣「減少不受歡迎的檔案分享行為」。但也有人擔心它會「助長」政府的審查,在大範圍推出後搞不好會引發更多的爭議呢。

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