前巴塞球星丹尼爾強姦罪成 判監四年半賠償 15 萬歐元

BARCELONA CATALONIA, SPAIN - FEBRUARY 05: Former soccer player Dani Alves during a trial at the Barcelona Court on February 5, 2024, in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Alves is accused of sexual assault on a girl in a bathroom of the Sutton nightclub in the Catalan capital on the night of December 30-31, 2022. Denounced by the 23-year-old girl, he sits in the dock of the Audiencia de Barcelona and faces a nine-year prison request from the Prosecutor's Office, which the victim's defense raises to 12 years. After a year and 15 days in custody in Brians, the Brazilian arrives after having changed his version of events up to five times. (Photo By EUROPA PRESS/D.Zorrakino. POOL via Getty Images)
丹尼爾被判入獄四年半,圖為他在本月 5 日受審時一幕。(Photo By EUROPA PRESS/D.Zorrakino. POOL via Getty Images)

曾效力西班牙球會巴塞隆拿的巴西球星丹尼爾(Dani Alves)被控 2022 年在巴塞隆拿一間夜總會性侵犯一名年輕女子,加泰隆尼亞最高法院今日(22 日)裁定丹尼爾罪名成立,判監四年半。

案發於 2022 年大除夕

路透社報道,判決是由三位法官組成的合議庭裁定,審訊歷時三日,除了判監,法庭並下令丹尼爾向受害人貼償 15 萬歐元(港幣約 127 萬元)。法庭判詞指出,判決考慮了受害人並無同意與被告發生性行為,而除了證人供詞,還有其他證據支持強姦指控。

丹尼爾一直否認控罪,預料將提出上訴。審訊期間,現年 40 歲的他一直堅持原訴人是同意與他發生性行為的。事發於 2022 年 12 月 31 日凌晨,案情指,丹尼爾誘使受害人進入夜總會 VIP 區域的洗手間,然後將她強姦。