Computex 2011:蒙恬的即視即得翻譯 App - Worldictionary

蒙恬(Penpower)在這次的 Computex 展出了一款 iPhone App ,名為 Worldictionary ,是一款即視即得翻譯軟體,走 Google 翻譯,透過鏡頭加上自家的 OCR 技術,可以把即時拍到的影像,自動辨識為使用者需要的語言;此外,還也可對拍好的圖片作辨識翻譯,以及直接輸入文字來查詢譯意,對於經常出外旅遊的人可說實用,可惜一定要有網路的連結才行。

目前只支援 iPhone ,也已經上架,要價4.99美金,iPad 可用相容模式來跑,Android 版正在研發中(Word lens很接近,可惜尚未支援正體中文)。
Penpower is showcasing their new iPhone app called the Worldictionary which is an instant translator app. It works by capturing images in real-time using the camera on an iPhone and run them through their OCR software, and then sends the words through Google translator to finish the job. It will also work on already saved photos or you can simply type in words. It seems very useful for the average traveler but it will only work if you have a data connection.

Worldictionary is currently in the App Store for $4.99 and is available for both the iPhone and the iPad. An Android version is currently under development (Word lens gets you pretty close but it doesn't support Traditional Chinese).