Computex 2011:Pixel Qi"氣"雙模顯示技術將在年底推出高解析度面板


Pixel Qi雙模顯示技術已經介紹過多次,而在這次Computex除了展示已經出貨的面板外,也表示7吋1024 x 600以及10吋1280 x 800解析度的面板將在第三季以及第四季先後推出樣品,最快可能在歐美假期前就會看到終端商品。Pixel Qi採用的技術是基於標準LCD,即便在反射模式下,也能保有高動態的優勢,在背光模式下為彩色、反射模式下為黑白,在強光下畫面依舊清晰可見。

跳轉補充Pixel Qi目前的近況。


We have mentioned Pixel Qi Dual-Display technology for many times. Now they are about to come out with the samples for 7" (1024 x 600) and 10" (1280 x 800) panels in the 3rd and 4th quarters this year, respectively. Pixel Qi utilizes the standard technology and retains high dynamic contrast even in reflection mode. It shows full color when backlight is on, black and white in reflection mode, and with clearly visible screen even under intense light.Click on to see more about Pixel Qi's latest information.


而Pixel Qi的10吋1024 x 600面板在彩色模式下功耗為2.7W,但在反射模式下僅0.4W,可輕易的被USB供電驅動,不須額外外接電力,現場也展示採用DisplayLink解決方案之USB直接驅動。現場工作人員表示Pixel Qi目前反射模式下的反射率為27%左右(不含觸控),在低光源下的反射能力較為不足,所以Pixel Qi目前仍建議客戶先採用光學式觸控技術,但Pixel Qi也開始尋求電阻與電容觸控技術廠商合作,希望能開發出適合Pixel Qi的觸控層。


The power consumption for 10" (1024 x 600) Pixel Qi in color mode is 2.7W, and only 0.4W in reflection mode. It easily runs on USB power, without the need for external power. In Computex they also demonstrate that it can be directly driven by USB using DisplayLink solutions. Staff explained that the reflection rate in reflection mode is around 27% (not including touch control), and even lower under low light, therefore, optical touch technology is recommended for the time being. Pixel Qi is seeking to work with companies with resistive touch and capacitive touch technologies, hoping to develop the touch screen layer ideal for Pixel Qi.


而Pixel Qi目前已經取得許多客戶的青睞,包括用於教育平板、POS系統、運動監視等領域,由於同時具備雙模,除了在強光下擁有良好的可視能力,可視角也相當不錯以外,由於在反射模式下還保有良好的動態並且可以長時間凝視,可望在高解析度版本推出後,能夠吸引如平板以及輕省筆電等廠商採用。目前也有許多廠商已經著手設計終端,正在等待Pixel Qi的面板供貨中。


Pixel Qi has gained much popularity in the market and is being used in education flat, POS system and sport surveillance, etc. Because it has the advantages of dual-display, good visibility under intense light, wide angle of visibility, good dynamic contrast in reflection mode, and allows for prolonged watching, we expect that the high resolution panels will attract many tablet computer and ultra-portable computer companies' attention. Many companies are already designing their end products, and waiting for Pixel Qi to become available.