Computex 2009:RockFire的可愛任我攜遊戲手把


這是在世貿一館攤位看到的,這個遊戲手把外型長得像戒指盒,連接線為可拆卸的mini USB線,另外還有卡片式樣,喜歡玩模擬器的玩家(譬如Yeager),這玩意兒是個好物,售價一個約3百元。

這家廠商叫做 "RockFire" ,之前以OEM與ODM為主,在這次的Computex 2009現場還有擺出其他的遊戲週邊以及FPS類型的左手遊戲鍵盤,腕墊還能自由伸縮,可以參考圖集。

We spotted these interesting gamepads in the first exhibition hall. It looks like a ring box and comes with a detachable mini USB cable. There's also another model that's about the size of a credit card. If you like emulators, this gamepad will be a gem. They cost about $300 NTD each. They are made by a company called "RockFire," and they also bring other gaming peripherals to the table, such as a gaming keyboard designed for FPS games.