Computex 2009:OCZ Sabre 動手玩(同場加映 Colossus 和 Neutrino)


OCZ Sabre (a.k.a. 窮人的萬鍵之王)是大幅簡化後的 Optimus Maximus,但其背後的想法是一樣的:靠顯示出來的圖片協助使用者辨明按鍵所代表的意義。但是 Sabre 有幾個重要的不同:首先,它不是每顆按鍵下面都有 OLED 螢幕,而是在左邊獨立出來了九個按鍵。其次 Sabre 的螢幕是黑白的,不是彩色的,因此價格可以低很多。最後,它不像萬鍵之王是用透明按鍵套在 OLED 螢幕之外的複雜機構,而是簡單的一整顆按鍵(連著螢幕)按下去就好了。雖然無從得知底下的觸發裝置是什麼,但看它軟棉棉的觸感,說不定是薄膜?

看到這個,小薑第一個比較的對象當然就是羅技的 G 自定義鍵。兩者的功能基本上是一樣的,可以設按鍵組合、啟動程式或錄製 Macro 等等,但多了小螢幕之後,就不用特別去記每個鍵代表的意思,瞄一下圖就好了,是比羅技的鍵盤在某些程度上更好用。

Sabre 預估的售價在 200 美金上下,和一般鍵盤相比是仍然貴了一點,但和萬鍵之王比已經便宜很多囉!繼續閱讀裡還有 OCZ 的 3.5" SSD Colossus 和 ION netbook Neutrino 的照片/影片。


<Computex 2009: Hands-on OCZ Sabre (Side Show Extra: Colossus and Neutrino)>
OCZ Sabre (a.k.a. Poorman's Maximus) is basically a scaled-down Optimus Maximus with same aim to achieve: assist the user to identify keyboard keys with graphical display. Here are the differences where Sabre differs from Maximus: firstly, instead of OLED on every single key on the keyboard, Sabre only have 9 OLED keys located on the left hand side. Secondly, Sabre's display is in monochrome, not in colour, therefore cost significantly less. Thirdly, instead using the complex transparent keys over OLED display mechanism, the Sabre opted for integrating the key and the display into one. Although the actual switch used is unknown, we felt it's most likely to be membrane switches since the key travel is quite supple.

The estimated market price is likely to be somewhere around USD $200, comparably expensive than ordinary keyboards, but much cheaper than Optimus Maximus.

Continue after the break for photos/video clips of sideshow extra: OCZ Colossus and Neutrino.

OCZ 的 3.5" 1TB SSD。事實上,裡頭是兩張 2.5"、512GB SSD 的 IC 板進行 RAID 0,所以它的速度據現場人員表示,已經超過了現行 SATA 3Gbit 的理論值。看來確實是有「快過頭」這回事啊 XD。
OCZ's 3.5" 1TB SSD with two 2.5" 512GB SSD circuit boards running inside in RAID 0 configuration. According to the representative on site, it's faster than the theoretical SATA 3Gbits transfer rate.

這台是 OCZ 版的 Ion netbook。小薑趁機跑了一下 3DMark 06,但因為時間限制,沒能跑出個結果來。現場人員的說法,應該是在兩千的尾巴到三千多之間。小薑錄了一點開頭的部份,1024x600 大約是在 1-5fps 之間,和現在普通的獨顯筆電相當。
OCZ's Ion netbook. We tried to run 3DMark 06, however, we failed to complete it due to the time restraint. According to the representative on site, the score should be somewhere between the higher 2000 and lower 3000. FPS rate at 1024x600 is around 1~5 fps, which is similar to the average notebook with non-integrated graphics module.