Computex 2009:中國風當道!

蟠龍花瓶 Ion nettop青花瓷筆電只是個開頭而已。今年中國風的週邊產可多著呢!

像上面的這個頂著個瓷盤子的盒子是迎廣(In Win)的「納」,雖然從外觀上看不出來,它其實是個有著 1.5TB 容量的 3.5" 硬碟外接盒!下面硬碟盒的部份是塑膠,但上面的蓋子真的是瓷做的喔~



<Computex 2009: Chinese Styling Rulez>

The Ion nettop and Delux netbook are only the beginning: there is an ongoing list of Chinese styling products this year!

Look at the box with a china plate in the picture above, it is called "Nah" and is a product of In Win. It is actually a 1.5TB 3.5" external HDD enclosure. The HDD case itself is plastic, but the lid is made of real china!

Scroll down to see more Chinese styling products.

這是一間名為奧迪嘉的大陸廠商的產品,依公司給的 broucher 的說明,它是「環保無風扇設計的散熱墊」。雖然和技嘉的 Roll Pad 有異曲同工之妙,但印著小篆的論語的竹簡?這完全是另一個層次的東西啊 XD
This is a product from a PRC company called ADG. It is described in their brochure as an "environmental-friendly fan-less cooling pad". Although it mainly serves the same purpose as the Gigabyte Roll Pad, but, come on, a bamboo sheet with the analects of Confucius in ancient characters inscribed upon it? We are looking at a totally different genre here!

Also from ADG, a cooling pad with flowers painted on it. Look Chinese? Absolutely! Look good? Umm...

花瓶...喇叭!和花瓶電腦剛好湊一組 = =+
Vase...speakers! They would complete a set with the vase computer.

Mouses painted with Chinese opera masks

Memory sticks resembling traditional Chinese clothing