Computex 2009:又見台達電的電子紙


記得幾個月前在書展上看到的超大電子紙嗎?這次又在 Computex 的展場上看到了,而且還有知道的人解說。電子紙的大小是 A3 沒錯,寬和高分別為 326mm 和 435mm。黑白版的解析度為 1920x2560,可以顯示 16 階的灰階,對比度為 8:1。彩色版解析度為 960x1280,可以顯示 4096 個顏色。

台達電預計 2010 年初之前可以讓這個產品上市,有可能由台達電自已推出產品,也有可能單賣面板給其他廠商,兩種可能台達電都不排除。


<Computex 2009: Delta A3 Sized E-paper>

Remember the A3 sized e-paper a few months ago at a book exhibition? Once again it appears in Computex, and this time somebody actually knows about it! The size is A3 indeed and the length and width are 435mm and 326mm, respectively. The black and white version has a resolution of 1920x2560, a 16 shade gray scale, and a contrast ratio of 8:1 while the color version has a resolution of 960x1280 and displays 4096 colors.

Delta is expecting the e-paper to hit the market at the beginning of 2010, probably as their own product. It is also possible that they may sell the panel to other companies.