Computex 2009:技嘉 BookTop M1305


上面這台,就是技嘉的 CULV 筆電,13.3" 的 BookTop M1305。從名字看來它應該像 BookTop M1022 一樣有個 Dock,但四面看過去卻沒有看到 Dock 的插孔。或許是因為這是工程樣本吧!確定的規格技嘉自已也不確定的,


<Computex 2009: Gigabyte BookTop M1305>

The one in the picture above is the 13" CULV of Gigabyte, BookTop M1305. Judging from the name there should be a Dock like BookTop M1022, but it is nowhere to be seen on all four sides. Perhaps it is because this is an engeneering sample? According to Gigabyte, the definite specs are not yet set in stone, and thus nowhere to be found.