COMPUTEX 2007:鎖到爆,徹底保護你的PC和筆記型電腦

你是個離開電腦超過30秒一定登出,買電腦一定要有指紋辨識而且俱備TPM,那種 緊張兮兮型 非常注意資訊安全的人嗎?


Computex 2007的展場上,一家廠商推出了 鎖到爆 電腦鎖。


You will logout your computer when you going to leave for 30 seconds? You will consider only when computer have TPM and fingerprint scanner? You are REALLY serious about information security?

TPM + fingerprint scanner + Voice Recognition + PGP/GPG + Hard disc encryption are not enough. I bet you know once the theft get your computer, then your information can be disclose in days.

On Computex 2007, one lock company show their complete computer lock solutions.

These locks have kingstone lock and any standard you knew, and can lock your chasis, monitor, VGA and other connectors. If you want, they can give you locks can completely lockup every single port you want cover... Cool, isn't it?

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